First Step News and Notes
Soon, you'll laugh at ads promising "the best rates available anywhere!"

Click on any feature below for  more details!

All calls within the continental United States are always just 4.9¢ per minute... period.

The "low rates" other companies advertise usually only apply when you are calling to another state. Their rates are typically higher within your home state.

With First Step, all calls within the continental United States are always just 4.9¢ per minute - regardless of which state you are calling.
With First Step, you do not have to watch the clock or plan ahead for the best time to make a call.

Our great 4.9¢ per minute rate is valid anytime, any day, to anywhere in the continental United States.
Who wants to deal with those annoying "10-10 Access Codes" when you can just join First Step?

As a First Step Member, you'll just pick up the phone and make your call.
First Step does not charge an extra fee to enjoy great international rates like the other companies do.

Most phone companies charge $5-10 per month, PLUS taxes, surcharges and other additional fees.

With First Step, you'll pay only $3.00 per month - period. In other words, if you do not make any calls all month, you will only owe $3.00. That's it!

How about FREE?
First Step will even waive the low $3.00 monthly fee if you take advantage of our terrific Internet Access or Web Site Hosting services!
All of the incredible benefits listed above are First Step's non-promotional rates and features. We do not hook you in and then change things after a few months.

We look forward to showing you what true savings is all about. Call us now toll free at 1.800.385.9000.
4.9 cents per minute long distance and local toll calls PER MINUTE
Check out the features listed to the left... You'll see why First Step is the best around.
Call Toll Free:

First Step News and Notes
